For and by the students of community college of suthern Nevada
Coyote News Articles
Bush pushed Iraq war for oil profit, journalist tells Sociology Forum by Coyote Staff in Coyote Nesws
By Coyote Staff The Bush Administration lied about Saddam Hussein's possession of WMD and links to al Qaeda in its single-minded pursuit of war with Iraq, a journalist for the left-leaning magazine The Nation told CCSN students. "It turned out that neither claim was true," said journalist Christian Parenti, author of "The Freedom," a book about his four reporting trips to Iraq following the U.
Student Government President apologizes for Henderson incident by Harley Murray in Coyote News
Don't shoot the messenger, or so they say. But that is similar to what happened on CCSN's Henderson Campus. Student Government approves of and uses Student Ambassadors to relay messages to CCSN students, including posting upcoming events. But President Cory Drumright recently challenged Sherry McGuinness, a Student Ambassador and member of Sociology Club, for doing just that.